Sleep Apnea: Can a New Mattress Solve Sleep Apnea?

Sleep Apnea


Many people suffer from sleep apnea, which is a type of disorder that causes breathing to stop or become very shallow while sleeping. You can be diagnosed with sleep apnea if you snore and you feel tired during the day. When your throat muscles relax when asleep, it closes off your airway, making it difficult to breathe. Without enough oxygen flowing into the lungs, daytime sleepiness often occurs and can even cause serious health problems like heart disease and high blood pressure.

In this article we’ll talk about what causes sleep apneas in the first place and if there are any solutions for this condition. We’ll also talk about some ways you can stop sleep apnea from occurring and other lifestyle changes you can make to prevent this condition.

What Causes Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea occurs when breathing stops during sleep, a condition known as “sleep disruption” because it makes sleep difficult. You may stop breathing because your airway gets blocked by your tongue. You may also stop breathing because your throat muscles relax too much and collapse. In both situations, your blood oxygen levels drop while you are asleep causing you to feel tired during the day. This is called “periodic limb movements.” You may have breathy or noisy breathing at night but wake up feeling fine in the morning. 

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Sleep Apnea Risk Factors

If you have any of the following risk factors, you are more at risk of getting sleep apnea.

  • Being overweight, particularly around your neck area. 
  • The way your neck is built and the way it interacts with your tongue and other muscles. 
  • Use of alcohol or drugs before bedtime. 
  • Smoking. 
  • Having diabetes or high blood pressure.

Being overweight can lead to sleep apnea because extra weight causes your tongue to press against the back of your throat, restricting airflow during sleep. Extra weight around the neck can also pull down on the tissues in this area, making it harder for air to flow in and out easily during sleep. Sleep apnea is much more common in men than it is in women.

Preventing Sleep Apnea

Exercises to do at night can help prevent sleep apnea.

These include:

  • Lying on your back, 
  • Resting your arms at your sides
  • Keeping your legs still during sleep. 

Exercise and weight loss can improve the way your neck works and can decrease the risk of sleep apnea. As a first step to treating sleep apnea, patients should begin rolling on the side. People who sleep in a back position and suffer from 50-80 apneas in an hour are often able to completely disappear if they switch either side or the opposite. Changing places is less efficient the heavier the person is, however it can still help. Sleep apnea diagnosis is easy if you find it in the beginning.


Can Specific Beds or Mattresses Help to Prevent Sleep Apnea?

A main cause of sleep apnea is getting a good night’s rest on a bad mattress. Typical mattresses have built-in support structures that are flexible and soft. These structures can collapse during sleep, causing your airway to close off and making it difficult for you to breathe while sleeping. 

A good mattress will give you back support to keep you from falling asleep and leaning over. If a firm mattress doesn’t help solve your sleep apnea problems, there are other solutions. These include using special beds or mattresses made especially for sleep apnea sufferers. Experiment with different types of mattresses on sale now in the market that are specifically designed for sleep apnea sufferers. Sleep apnea causes of good sleep are reduced when you sleep on a good mattress with back support. Also support provided by soft mattresses is less so these types of mattress are not good for you.

The research about Sleep Apnea does also indicate that an adjustable bed might be a feasible alternative to lessen the negative effects associated with Sleep Apnea. The reason for this is the fact that your head is set at a higher altitude than your feet, which means that your tongue is lifted from your throat, which allows you to breathe easier, thereby opening the way for them to expand.

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Sleep Apnea Prevention Lifestyle Changes

  • Avoid having big meals 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Don’t drink alcohol or caffeinated beverages after 4 p.m. 
  • Limit or avoid alcoholic drinks, caffeine, and nicotine before bedtime. 
  • Avoid heavy meals before bedtime.
  • Get up from bed and walk your feet on the floor every 1-2 hours to prevent blood stagnation during sleep.
  • Practice relaxation techniques to help you fall asleep and stay asleep such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing.
  • Avoid going to bed before being truly sleepy.
  • Don’t worry about falling asleep or getting enough sleep if you’re experiencing problems with your sleep patterns.
  • You should get up every single day.
  • Use your bedroom only for sleeping and sex and turn off all electronic devices in the room, including cell phones and computers.


The majority of adjustable beds allow the user to recline and incline the legs and head on the mattress, which gives you the option of lying on your back or standing up. An incline created on an adjustable bed can ensure that you’re positioned in a comfortable place changing your gravity direction and removing the obstruction from your windpipe. In addition to being able to boost the amount of oxygen reaching your body and brain The results will also decrease snoring, giving the people around you a better night’s sleep.

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