Simple Tips to Keep Your Laptop Battery Healthy

Laptop Battery

Many laptops come equipped with batteries that will last for several years but if you want to make sure that you get the most out of yours, there are some simple tips to keep your laptop battery healthy. Many of these tips will also help you in saving money on replacements and repairs should your laptop need it. You should always try to keep your battery as clean and dry as possible. Keeping liquids and food away from it and leaving it in its carrying case will also prolong the life of your batteries.

One of the simplest tips to keep your battery healthy is to turn off any programs that are not being used on the computer and unplug the AC adapter when you do not use it for a period of time. The battery will lose its ability to hold a charge and this is when it begins to deteriorate quickly. When you are using a lot of programs and not really using the computer, you should unplug it and let it go for a few days to get it ready for the next work load. Incase you are not sure about investing into a new laptop, an alternative would be to rent a laptop

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Don’t put your laptop on vibrating modes. This can damage the internal parts and shorten the battery life significantly. Try to avoid putting it in vibrating modes as much as you can. If you have the luxury of leaving your laptop on vibrate mode from time to time because you are taking short trips or going on vacations, make sure to set it up so that it does not fall asleep with the laptop on.

Turn off the AC adapter when it is not being used. You might think this seems a bit odd but you need to remember that the battery power is limited to the amount of current that it can draw. If you constantly connect it to a high voltage, you will drain the battery power extremely fast. When you are using your laptop, the screen might get hot. This can also drain the battery power quite fast. Make sure you leave the AC adapter on all the time even if it is just for a few minutes.

Use many apps at once. Many people think that they should be using their laptop to just one or two applications but the truth is that it is better to use many programs at once than to have just one. This will help to keep your laptop from overheating. You will also find that if you constantly open and close applications while your battery is getting drained, you will have trouble starting them again when you need them.

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Stop using your device when it gets warm. Many people do not realize that when you are working on something with your laptop that you are actually keeping it from getting very warm. The heat keeps your device from entering into sleep mode. This will cause your battery life to be very short if you do not switch it off each time. You will find that if you let your device rest for about 5 minutes between uses, it will start up much faster and last a lot longer before needing recharging.

Do not overcharge your battery. Many of us know that charging our batteries too often is not good for them. We want to make sure that we give them enough time to charge so that they can maintain the life that we gave them. We also want to make sure that we do not overcharge because this will shorten the life of the battery as well. When you have your device plugged in and are not using it, make sure that you leave it charging for at least eight hours between charges. This will ensure that your battery does not dry out.
One of the most important of the simple tips to keep your laptop battery healthy is that you do not overload it. Too many applications and other stress factors will shorten the life of your battery. Always leave them alone if you do not need to be using the device. This should help you get the best out of your battery life. Remember that these tips are just a guideline and if you want to go above and beyond them to ensure your battery lasts even longer, you may want to check with your computer manufacturer for their recommendations. However a lot of companies allow you to rent a laptop. The major advantage is that you can keep upgrading to the latest versions of the laptop without having to replace the existing one. The added advantage is that one can rent a laptop only when there is a necessity.

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