Common Mistakes Students Make When Studying for Exams

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Educational assessment, a common concept in school, has numerous benefits. Test or exam results are crucial indicators of a student’s academic progress. They assess knowledge gaps and understanding of the taught concepts as well as gauge strengths and weaknesses. Often administered at the end of a semester or academic level, students need to score a specific grade or score to proceed to the next class or educational level. 

The problem is that students often focus on avoiding mistakes during exams that they forget that what they do days leading to the exam day often determines the results obtained. Common mistakes made while preparing for the exam can result in a low score. So if you want to ensure that you are doing everything possible to get the best marks, here are some common mistakes to avoid days before the exams. 

Failing to Plan for Exams

Often the school will release the exam dates and even give a timetable early into the semester. Most students wait until the last minute to plan for exams which cause them to study in a rush. Some may even fail to check the exam location and end up being late. This adds to the pressure and anxiety experienced during exam periods. 

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To avoid this common mistake, rehearse the route to the exam center weeks before the exam day. That way, you can gauge whether there is rush hour traffic. If there are possible hold-ups, ensure you account for that during exam days. 

Furthermore, use the timetable to know which exams you will do first. That way, you can allocate ample time to studying each course without giving most of your attention to a specific one. Furthermore, if you prepare, you are less likely to forget something important like pens, erasers, and a water bottle during the exams.

Pulling All-Nighters

In case you did not start studying early in the semester, you might resort to cramming as a way to cover all the notes. The problem with this technique is that the information ends in short-term memory, and retrieving it can be challenging. Pulling all-nighters for days means you will most likely be less alert during the exam, which increases the odds of performing poorly. 

To avoid this mistake, plan your time wisely and ensure you get ample sleep daily. If after reading for several hours you haven’t understood the concepts feel free to reach out to online essay writers who are also subject experts. A professional will do a better job of explaining a topic in a way that’s easy to grasp. Overall, do all the studying weeks before the exam and trust the preparation will be enough to help you score good marks. 

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Failing to Use Practice Question

Did you know that practice questions are one of the most effective ways to study for an upcoming exam? With practice questions, students can gauge whether or not they have understood the course and even identify areas of weakness. Doing this before exams gives you ample time to fill in any knowledge gap and actively recall information. 

To use practice questions effectively, treat them with the same time limit as assigned in exams. That way, you can gauge the score you are likely to get and tailor your studies to cover areas that need improvement. Don’t forget to review questions that you answered wrong, as it provides a great opportunity to see where the error occurred. For instance, did you misread the question, or maybe you confused similar concepts?

Reading Only Lecture Notes

Students make the mistake of assuming that reading the lectures or notes given by a teacher are enough to pass exams and tests. Lectures given in class are an essential part of your studies. However, you need to read textbooks and other materials related to the subject to better understand it. Moreover, not all questions will come from lectures given in class. So look at the study guide or course curriculum, identify all the topics you need to know about. Finally, read books from the library and other additional resources to better understand the taught concepts. 

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Not Preparing for the Unexpected

Something can go wrong days before an exam. Your computer might crash, or your notes may be stolen. You might summarize all your notes only to end up losing them. So don’t forget to store your notes and summaries online. If you wrote the summary in a book, photocopy it and keep the extra copy safely in your room or locker. 

Exams periods can be stressful, especially for a student who has not prepared well. Luckily, you can use the above tips and strategies to better prepare for an exam and increase the odds of getting a good grade. Good luck!

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