Challenges in Developing FinTech Applications

fintech applications

New fintech applications are launched every year. Most startups think their idea is innovative. They are building a new reality business that will revolutionize the market. The reality is that, in the end, less than 90% of startups use their ideas and gain approval from potential users. The surviving 10% are faced with the challenges of expanding their business. It reaches the next million customers. It gets those customers to pay for their product.

The Future of FinTech 2021 and Beyond

At first glance, it doesn’t take much to create a fintech startup. It is enough to solve a certain financial problem that potential customers face better than your competitors. But this is only at first glance. It is difficult for startups to find and implement a viable business model. Even it does not put them in a race to fail against an incumbent leader with huge capital reserves and expats taxes. It is not easy and cheap to start this business on a technical level. So, fintech software development from scratch will cost $ 3 million.

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In fintech, newcomers try to enter an ocean of opportunities.  Specialists of Alty offer digital solutions for any taste. They are the opposite of the experience offered by traditional banks. Most of them, in order to compete in the market, are trying to improve the process of providing credit. It makes their product available to consumers. They, for one reason or another, do not use traditional banking services. Therefore, alternative lenders are innovating in lending, underwriting, documentation, data management, credit profile, and servicing. Also, there are security systems.


But compliance with the rule of law, no matter how difficult it is, is only one of the cost items when launching top fintech apps. Security and the need to collect detailed information about the client, his financial situation are becoming the main “pain” of developers.

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Various Regulations

In their efforts to attract investment, fintech startups have been repeatedly judged by volumetric metrics typical of consumer Internet companies. This is because fintech is adopting business models that leverage the power of large numbers of customers and transactions to provide network effects.

Expectations of the Customers

One of the issues that makes it difficult to launch fintech startups is that consumers have an extremely high bar when it comes to security in terms of personal finance management. A startup may have a totally awesome idea, but if the company and product don’t inspire confidence in terms of security, no one will use them.


The goal of every startup is to provide funding for growth. However, most fintech startups start up with an abundance of ideas and optimism, but without the capital to test and scale their products. Thus, their journey ends before they can make money and before the broader financial ecosystem can benefit from these innovations. To survive in the market, a start-up must first of all clearly understand his business model of income, and how he is going to ultimately make money: directly by issuing loans to consumers, investments, or indirectly, namely by providing intermediary services (insurance and transactions). The latest model, based solely on user generation and without a clear understanding of how it will monetize, is doomed to failure in the long run.

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