
On June 22nd, the Shenzhen JPT Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (JPT) announced their signing of the “Equity Transfer Agreement” with Ruisheng Automation, its shareholders (Anhongji, Shuangcheng Ruijian), and the natural person shareholder, Zhu Xi. The agreement states that JPT will acquire a 20% stake in Ruisheng Automation, paying out 20 millionContinue Reading


Introduction If you’ve suffered an unfortunate accident, you may have experienced severe bleeding. This can be a life-threatening situation, so taking care of yourself and getting help as soon as possible is crucial. Bleeding is the body’s way of getting rid of damaged tissue and harmful substances. It’s a processContinue Reading

game of slots

Introduction In the game of slots, for instance, at play at https://money-train-2.com/, one key lesson gamblers learn is that a coin has two sides; good luck and misfortune. Such is the case with cannabis. Cannabis has existed for thousands of years. Cannabis compounds were used to cure diseases in placesContinue Reading


Introduction Dizziness is a dangerous symptom, often followed by fainting and other unpleasant things. If you experience this, contact your doctor immediately. Mild dizziness can occur if you get up abruptly, and before that, you lay for a long time, forgot to eat, or went too far with alcohol. WhenContinue Reading