What is an Extended Enterprise? Learn about the benefits of Extended Enterprise LMS

learning management system

There are multiple misconceptions surrounding ‘Extended Enterprise’. In this article we are going to address them and help you understand Extended Enterprise and clear the misconceptions around it. There are many ways we can describe these.

What is an Extended Enterprise?

An extended enterprise is a set of companies, which work together to bring value to the market. Organizations are supported and connected with each other, at times directly and sometimes indirectly. When one organization functions appropriately, the other organization flourishes because of the hard work put in by the previous one. This chain of dependency among organizations is called extended enterprise. Under this model, an organization is more than just a single body. External businesses are key contributors to the success of the organization. Therefore, they are considered extensions of the organization.

We all are well aware of the fact that the success of any business depends on its relationship with the third parties that extends beyond the physical and virtual boundaries of the organization. Extended Enterprise Management can assist in understanding the risks involved in the process and help in taking a more strategic approach towards risk management.

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There are many LMSs available for extended enterprise training. The Extended Enterprise LMS reaches a large group audience with the help of the same platform and offers them specialized training. We have mentioned below some of the benefits of Extended Enterprise LMS.

  • You have an option to execute Extended Enterprise in different branches, partners, channels, departments, etc of your organization and you can customize every module using the features of an LMS. With the help of an LMS, you can create a strong image branding, language, and more. Every module can have different colors, settings, look and feel, and information.
  • Extended Enterprise LMS works for all, you will not have to get different platforms for separate users. You will have to pay for one platform and can get personalized themes and features for different users. Thus, you can have many users using the same platform and at the same price, which will result in reduced company expenses.
  • Using an Extended Enterprise LMS will promote more sales that will result in an expansion of your business. The platform ensures the people connected to your business and organizations attain better knowledge and understanding of your product or services. Using this platform for online training will grow your brand and help generate more revenue. You can offer better value to your customers by extending the effectiveness of your employees. You can even train your customers using this platform and make them aware of how to use the product they have bought from you.
  • With the help of this platform, you can easily engage your customers with your product or services leaving a positive impact. By offering effective training to your customers you can improve their experience with your brand, product, and service. Through the LMS you can share content with the customers that will assist them in understanding the features of your product or service. A well-informed and trained customer will stay with the brand for long and can get the best out of the product or service purchased. You can even train your partners on an Extended Enterprise LMS and create a more committed and strong network.
  • Extended Enterprise LMS provides the same and consistent training to all the stakeholders. Any organization must offer the same knowledge and training to all the stakeholders. When training will be provided on this platform, everyone within the organization and even outside the organization will be up-to-date with product updates and information. You even have an option to customize and tailor the training modules and information, meeting the needs and requirements of each target group. You can make the changes swiftly on the platform, which can be accessed immediately by everyone.
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Investing in an Extended Enterprise LMS would be a business-wise decision because this will be useful for your current LMS by supporting the external employees and customers to turn out to be more educated on products or services offered by your organization. The platform will help your organization grow business, save money, and make money.

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