Understanding Driving Laws in Phoenix, AZ

driving laws

Did you know that newly licensed teen drivers cannot drive from 12 am to 6 am without being accompanied by a legal guardian or parent? According to research, teens with less experience at the wheel are more physiologically inclined to take risks.

Are you new to Phoenix, Arizona? Then, this is just one of several driving laws that you need to be aware of before you head onto the road.

Keep on reading to learn more about the driving laws on driver’s licenses requirements, distracted driving, and seatbelts. The more you know, the more it can help you avoid tickets and help you drive safely.

Driver’s License Requirements

If you are moving to Phoenix, Arizona, you want to make sure that you have a valid Arizona driver’s license. Remember that you also need an Arizona driver’s license if you are paying the resident tuition, have a job in Arizona or you spent 7 months or more in the state. If you are bringing your own car into the state, you also want to make sure it’s registered in Arizona, or you could be facing fines and penalties.

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This shouldn’t be news, but you are required to wear a seatbelt when sitting in the front seat. Children under 16 must wear a seatbelt, even if they are sitting in the front or back. Children under the age of 8 and under 4 feet 9 inches need to be properly buckled in a car seat.

Cellphones and Distracted Driving

Like other states, Arizona has banned the use of cell phones while driving. The distracted driving traffic laws deal with speeding. So, you can get a ticket if you are speeding and are also distracted. For example, you are eating, wearing make-up, texting, or shaving while speeding.


Emergency Vehicles

If you see emergency vehicles, you are required to move to the side to give them space to pass. If you can’t move, you have to reduce your speed to at least 10 miles under the speed limit. You need to move to the side for emergency responders, law enforcement, and road workers.

Carpool and High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes

Most states have different traffic laws for carpool and HOV lanes. Major highways in Arizona have HOV lanes, which are lanes designed for cars with 2 or more passengers to encourage car-pooling. The traffic fines for violating this driving law are steep, so take extra care Mondays to Friday from 6 to 9 am and 3 to 7 pm.



Flooding is the most common hazard in Arizona. You could end up in a flooding area and get stranded because you ignored the barricades or the warning signs. If that’s the case, the driving laws state that you will be financially responsible for the cost of your rescue.

Car Accidents and Driving Laws Violation

If you end up in a car accident or are dealing with a traffic violation of driving laws, you need to get a consultation with the top Phoenix, AZ accident attorneys. With 40 years of experience and celebrity clientele, they have recovered over $200 million in compensation for their clients.

Interested in More?

Now you know all about the driving laws in Phoenix, Arizona. If you’re looking for more interesting articles to know your legal rights including car crash cases and slip and fall accident claims, check out the rest of our blog.

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