How To Prepare for cbse class 10 Science Exam?

cbse class 10 exam


The upcoming class 10 CBSE science exam is fast approaching, so it’s a great time to start preparing. We’ve put together a list of the top 10 tips to prepare for this exam. Practice them and you’ll be prepared in no time!

Maths and Science are two subjects that require thorough preparation. While both these subjects test the full range of your understanding, your grasp of science concepts is particularly important. The Biology, Chemistry, and Physics concepts in class 10 science will be crucial for you to crack the CBSE exams.

Top 10 tips to Prepare for Science Exam

Science Test is a compulsory subject in the Class 10 board exam. All students have to attempt this paper as it is an integral part of the overall marking of the board examination.

Make a study plan

Class 10 Science is a major component of the CBSE board examination and will require proper planning. Start by making a study schedule and stick to it. Remember that time management is important. So, if the exam is approaching in just one month, you will have to plan your time efficiently so that you can cover each subject completely and go into the exam well prepared. You can also prepare for ncert exemplar class 10 science.

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Utilize your class notes

Class 10 Science books or class notes can be used as reference books but do not rely on them too much while studying as they might not cover each topic in sufficient detail for the CBSE board examination.

Get your basics right

Memorize your Class 10 NCERT science textbooks or coursebooks cover to cover. This will help you clear exams conducted by state boards, such as the HSC board or even the ICSE board. By the time you appear for the class 10 CBSE board exam, you will have a very clear understanding of basic concepts tested in CBSE exams.

Improve your test-taking skills

Knowing how to use class 10 science formulas and study materials can be a great advantage even in the CBSE’s class 12 examination. So, practice solving questions with help from sample papers and NCERT science books published by the CBSE in order to strengthen this skill further.

Keep a record of your topics

You may want to get the subject-wise division of the CBSE science questions from NCERT, books, magazines or even newspapers. By keeping a record of this division, you can cover all the topics in your study material quite easily.

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Explore the topics thoroughly

Practice solving questions from science books and magazines for practice purposes. Though you may be very thorough in practicing and understanding various concepts such as energy conservation, you must also learn to test yourself. Practice by solving question papers from previous years and understand why each answer is correct or incorrect. Markdown your mistakes under these concepts when they occur to you while answering test-like questions in class 10 CBSE exam session.

Practice conjugation

This form of science is somewhat complex and you may not have covered it in your class 10 science textbooks or notebooks. So, practice with help from NCERT books published by the CBSE to improve your conjugation knowledge even before the commencement of the class 10 CBSE board exam session.

Take refresher classes

Classes for Biology and Physics can be taken as recertification classes from classes 8 to 12 or even after completion of Class 12 if you wish. Some institutes give such classes at nominal rates, which can be very beneficial during the last year of school as these classes are usually conducted at that time when you are free from other commitments.

Go through the NCERT books

Most often, class 10 CBSE board exam questions are framed from the NCERT Science books and you must have a clear understanding of these concepts in order to attempt the exam with ease. Having a thorough knowledge of these books can help you in tackling most questions asked in class 10 CBSE board exams. Some institute teachers also advise their students to buy and study these books thoroughly as they are usually updated by the time when it comes to taking exams.

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Practice with past papers

You can even go for a systematic revision of previously attempted papers if you think that this will be helpful for the CBSE board examination.

Get a board exam alert buzzer

A board exam alert buzzer can help you prepare for the CBSE board exam session. Its persistent vibration helps motivate you to concentrate on your revision and enables you to study better.

Get your board exam calendar

You will need proper time management in order to prepare for the CBSE class 10 science paper successfully. A college calendar with all important dates and events, such as exams or holidays, can be kept handy by you to know when to schedule your time effectively and study accordingly.


CBSE board exam is compulsory for all students in class 10. But science, as one of the subjects for class 10 CBSE, is a very important subject. So it’s necessary to know more about this subject before appearing for the CBSE board examinations. The tips mentioned below will help you to prepare for CBSE science in class 10 very well and make you pass it with flying colors.

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