10 Exclusive Tips to Rank Higher on Google

website ranking

Only 75% of Google users check the second page of search results. If you’re not at the top of a Google search page, consumers might not find your business. They’ll likely find and choose your competitors instead.

Here are 10 effective, exclusive tips to help you rank higher on Google. With these tips, you can generate more web traffic, leads, and sales. Search engine optimization (SEO) can boost your rankings and improve your ROI in the process.

Discover how to achieve a higher website ranking on Google with these SEO tips today.

Audit Your Site

Before rushing to create content for your search engine optimization strategy, audit the content you’ve already posted. Auditing your website can help you gather helpful analytics and data. You can use the data you gather to better inform your SEO strategy.

You can use this seo audit tool to get started.

Determine which of your existing blog posts have generated the most web traffic, engagement, and leads over time. Make sure to continue covering those topics in your future posts. Covering similar topics could help you generate more traffic in the future.

Determine which keywords you already have strong website rankings for, too. Which keywords do you rank on the first page for?

Which keywords are you struggling to rank for on Google instead?

Check your Google Analytics when auditing your site as well. Review the traffic you’ve managed to generate in the past. Double-check the demographics of your previous website visitors.

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You’ll use this data to better define your target audience. 

Gather Research

Google looks for website content that appeals to each search engine user’s search intent. You need to make sure you’re providing consumers with the information they want. Otherwise, you’ll struggle to rank higher on Google.

To match the user’s search intent, you first need to understand your target audience. Determine who your customers are by researching their demographics, including:

  • Age
  • Location
  • Gender
  • Career
  • Salary
  • Language
  • Marital status

Next, look into their behaviors and psychographics. Consider their buying behaviors, interests, hobbies, and pain points.

If you’re targeting a large group of consumers, create separate buyer personas. Then, gather keyword research for each group.

Use Google Trends, SEMRush, Answer the Public, or Keyword Planner to get started. Look for search queries made up of four or more words. These longtail keywords are more precise (making it easier for you to determine the search intent).

When writing content for your SEO strategy, make sure to keep your target audience in mind. Personalize your content for your customers. Personalization can ensure you connect with and appeal to distinct readers. 

Create Fresh Content

Content marketing is 3x more efficient in terms of lead generation than outbound marketing strategies. Over 70% of businesses say content marketing increases sales. Businesses that blog generate 126% more traffic than those that don’t, too. 

In fact, marketers that prioritize blogging are 13x more likely to experience a positive ROI than others. Fresh, branded blog content is also essential to your SEO strategy.

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Use your keyword research to determine what topics to cover within your content. Make sure to select a target keyword before writing.

Adding a keyword to the post after the fact can make the writing sound awkward. Instead, strategically place the keyword in the:

  • Page title
  • URL
  • Opening paragraph
  • An H1 header
  • Closing paragraph
  • Body text
  • SEO title
  • SEO meta description
  • Image alt text
  • Image file name

Make sure your SEO meta description is compelling and informative. Otherwise, readers won’t click on your post from a Google search. 

As more people click on your content, your Google ranking for that keyword could improve. 

Update Your Listing

Update your Google Business listing and optimize it for keywords relevant to your industry.

Your Google Business listing can make it easier for shoppers to find your local business. From your listing, they can find your:

  • Business name
  • Phone number
  • Address
  • Business hours
  • Website
  • Customer reviews
  • Latest posts
  • Photos and videos
  • Business category

Make sure the information on your listing matches what appears on your website. Google will compare the information to make sure it’s accurate. 

Ask your customers to start posting reviews on your listing to rank higher on Google for local searches, too. 

Generate Backlinks

Backlinks appear on other websites before sending readers to your content. You can generate backlinks by guest blogging on other sites. Otherwise, focus on creating high-quality content.

Other blogs will want to link to your posts, allowing you to generate natural backlinks. Generating backlinks can help improve your Google rankings. 

Stay Social

Once you begin creating SEO-optimized content for your blog, share it.

First, add social sharing buttons to your blog to encourage readers to share your content with others. Share your posts on social media to expand your reach, too.

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Otherwise, send out an email newsletter to keep your audience engaged. 

Add Schema Markup

Add schema markup to your website to further improve your website rankings. Schema markup enables Google to better understand your website content. 

Track Trends

Make sure you’re tracking the latest search engine optimization trends as you continue optimizing throughout the year. Changes to Google’s search algorithm cause new trends to pop up.

For example, voice and image search are gaining popularity, as is video content. Try creating more video posts this year. Add transcripts to your videos to ensure Google understands the context. 

Improve the User Experience

Take the time to improve the user experience on your site. First, make sure your site is fast, mobile-optimized, secure, and friendly.

Working with a design and development team to appeal to Google’s Core Web Vitals, too. 

Hire an Agency

If you’re struggling to improve your Google rankings, work with an experienced SEO agency. They can optimize your site, create your content, and help you generate backlinks.

Their experience and expertise will ensure you improve your website ranking in no time. 

Rank Up: 10 Effective Tips for Ranking Higher on Google

Don’t let your competitors rank ahead of you online. Instead, use these tips to rank higher on Google. With higher rankings, you can reach more customers and generate more business.

Get started with these effective SEO tips today.

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