How to Make Your Medical Website User Friendly: 5 Tips

medical website

With more and more people becoming reliant on searching online when looking for healthcare practices, it’s important that you make sure your medical website is user-friendly. The goal is for potential customers to have a positive experience on your chiro website for them to want to learn more about you and your practice. 

Here are some tips taken from the best chiropractic websites to help you improve your website today:

  • Speed things up. Whether your website visitor is on his phone or computer, he wants your website to load at lightning speed. If it takes too long for your website to load, the visitor might exit your website and check out the next responsive option online. 

You can use online tools like Pingdom and Google’s Page Speed Insights to check how fast your website loads on different devices. These websites also provide helpful advice to speed up your website.

  • Provide in-depth information. When a visitor lands on your website page, he is usually looking for a certain service or piece of information. You should make it easy for these visitors to find what they are looking for. 
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The content on your website should be thorough so website visitors would know what they can expect once they book an appointment with your practice. You should explain scientific terms in a simple manner to avoid confusion, and for them to have a better understanding of what you do. 

  • Improve your website layout. While some people still conduct online searches on their computer, most people search online using their mobile devices. With that in mind, you should ensure your website looks good both on computers and mobile. 

When you’re working on your website layout, remember that everything doesn’t necessarily have to look the same. The point is your website visitor shouldn’t have to zoom in to read your website text, and the photos and videos you use should be optimized for both mobile and computer users. 

  • Pay attention to your Call To Actions (CTA). It’s important that you make it easy for your website visitors to locate your CTAs. After all, while your goal is to inform and entertain people through website, the ultimate goal is for these people to become your customers. 
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Every landing page on your website should have the right CTA on them. If the page talks about your services, there should be an appointment booking. The point is you should help your visitors take the next step as easily as possible

  • Beef up your contact page. While there’s nothing wrong with having a hotline or contact number on your website, you should take things a step further. You should provide different ways for your clients to contact you.

Aside from having a contact e-mail address, you should consider investing in a chatbot. Your customer shouldn’t have to go through hoops to contact you.

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These are some of the ways you can make your chiro website more user-friendly. Contact our team so we can help you develop a responsive and user-friendly website today.

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