
How to Score Above 90 in Maths Class 11?

Most students take the 11th class maths exam very lightly as it is not the board exam and they do not prepare well. Neglecting the 11th class maths will cause you difficulties in the 12th class. All the 6 units that are present in the 11th class maths syllabus should be taken seriously. This article will provide you all the required steps that you will need for effective preparation and help you score above 90 in class 11th maths examination.

Be prepared to do what’s necessary to achieve good scores

If you are aspiring to be a doctor or an engineer you cannot be lazy. 11th class maths is very critical and will be required in your higher studies also. Always believe in yourself and try to better yourself every day. Students in the 11th class cannot hold themselves with the newly found freedom and forgets about the importance of the class 11th exam. Work on your weaknesses and try to overcome the fear of failure. To change yourself you can do the following:

  • Try to solve questions faster.
  • Try to beat your previous scores while taking mock tests.
  • You should target to improve your skills every day.
  • Always keep in mind that you have to do better than the last time.

Stick to the Syllabus and Practice

Sometimes, students tend to get over-enthusiastic and start studying different heavy-weight topics which are not related to the class 11 maths exam. This will make you feel like you are a genius but the reality is that you are not learning anything useful and won’t be able to score well. Always stick to the syllabus that is given and practice questions related to them. Use simple reference books to help you understand the significance of the topics. Ask your teachers for good reference books that contain the proper syllabus for the exam. Some students start early preparation for JEE Mains and Advance. They may follow a few heavyweight books with detailed topics with in-depth explanations. Instead of trying to buy such books and study, you can ask them to help you with your questions and chapters and slowly build your experience. Before doing anything hasty, solve and complete the given syllabus of the class 11th maths. This will be enough for you to score above 90.

Important chapters in Class 11th Maths

To be frank all the chapters are equally salient and need proper study and practice. The six units consist of 18 chapters in total. Some of the chapters that require additional attention and preparation are as follows:

  • Trigonometric functions: This chapter is easy if practiced properly. Learn the positive and negative angles and how to measure the degree, minutes, and second. The topic of converting degrees to radian should also be practiced. Understand and memorize trigonometric functions and formulas.
  • Permutation and combination: The number of ways in which a set of things can be arranged is known as permutation. The combination is the selection of all or part of the set of things. Learn the formulas and practice them. You can also learn small calculation tricks to help you solve the questions related to permutation and combination.
  • Binomial theorem: This process of algebraic expansion. Learn the expansion of x, x2, x3, etc. Solve a good number of examples before solving questions related to the binomial theorem.
  • Limits and derivatives: You can score well in this chapter, so practice and prepare well. Learn the functions and formulas for the derivatives.
  • Statistic and probability: Statistics and probability is an easy chapter and requires less time to prepare. Solve questions and examples given in the book, learn formulas for a certain type of questions, and know their pattern. Though this is an easy chapter you should not take it lightly, you need to practice and be thorough with it.

The majority of the questions will be coming from the units Algebra, and Sets and functions. Students should focus more on these units and their chapters. All the chapters should be given equal importance as only then can you score above 90 in class 11th maths.

Solve more Questions

Get the latest sample papers and solve them. These latest sample papers will also help you to get an idea of the question paper pattern and type of questions that can come. Try to solve 3-4 sample papers and allocate 2hrs for each. You can also solve the previous year’s questions and check for any repetitions of questions. Solving questions will help you to be fluent with your calculations and problem-solving. To score above 90 students must solve sample papers and other questions; this will make your preparation better and help you to score above 90.


Whatever is taught in the school cannot be grasped by the students immediately. For this reason, you may need additional coaching for the subject. It is seen that students who go for coaching are better prepared and can score more compared to students who do not. The advantage of attending a coaching/tuition is that you can clear the doubts that you won’t be able to clear in the school. You can also discuss certain difficult topics with your tutor and gain clarity. These classes also conduct additional tests for the students that will also benefit you and better your preparation.

Look After Your Health

Among all these tips this tip may look irrelevant but to tell you the truth it is one of the salient tips that you need to take seriously and keep in mind. Take rest and eat healthy foods and sleep for at least 6-8hrs a day.

Do’s and don’ts in an exam hall

  • Do not leave early even if you have completed the paper, try to revise and double-check all the answers.
  • Read the questions properly before answering them.
  • Always be prepared with your essentials like a pen, eraser, pencil, etc.


Practice and follow the above tips/strategies and you will surely score above 90 in the class 11th maths exam. 11th class maths exam should be given importance and students need to be serious about it. 


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